- Prayer to Mary of Hope
- Mary of Nazareth Mother of our Lord, Companion on our journeys, come visit us, stay with us. We need you, good mother, we live in difficult times, we go through downturns...
Bless the Lord, evangelizers of the whole earth,
bless him, you who build the Church in every corner of the earth,
bless him with Christ, first sent by the Father,
bless him with Mary, the mother of the missions.
May all catechumens bless you,
may all brothers and sisters
who are on the path of conversion bless you,
may the catechists of all the nascent communities bless you,
May they bless you, with dedication and the experience of faith.
May all the workers of the Gospel bless you,
through the long roads of the desert,
and the most unknown villages,
when they build a house where the Lord is,
when they invite different cultures to receive Christ.
May the brother and sister lay volunteers bless you,
the religious present on the mission frontiers,
may those who cross all borders to expand the Kingdom of God bless you.
May the Churches of Europe bless you,
rich in a history that yearns for unity.
the Churches of North America,
enterprising and attentive to the needs of the poorest,
may the Churches of immense Asia bless you,
in depth, patience and brothers and sisters.
May the Churches of Africa bless you,
poor and joyful, passionate and communal.
The living Churches of Latin America,
rich of martyrs and anxious for justice.
May the Churches of Oceania bless you,
beautiful and peaceful.
May the supporters
of missionary teams and Christian communities bless you,
the simple and generous children, and the
young people involved in universal solidarity movements.
May the diocesan mission centers bless you,
all members of missionary institutes,
the shepherds with all the people.
May scholars attentive to the progress of evangelization bless you.
and the teachers with all the aspirants to the missionary priesthood.
May those who care for the sick in the poorest and most distant countries and the sick capable of offering their suffering for the coming of the Kingdom bless you.
Bless the Lord, the priests who offer the Bread, the Wine and the Word,
may the contemplatives of the whole world bless you,
with all those called to build the Body of the Lord in charity and peace.
Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, with all peoples forever and ever.
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