Prayer to Jesus

Sister of Perpetual Adoration before Jesus in the Eucharist
Sister of Perpetual Adoration before Jesus in the Eucharist

Jesus, you came into our world to revel the father to us, Your Father and our father.
You came to teach us to love one another.

Give us the Holy Spirit, according to your promise, so that he’ll make us instruments of peace and unity, in this world of war and division.

Jesus, you have called us to follow you in a community of Faith and Light.
We want to say “Yes”

We want to live a covenant of love in this big family you have given us,
Where we can share our sufferings and difficulties, our joys and our hopes.

Teach us to accept our wounds, our weaknesses, so that your power may be revealed.
Teach us to find you in all our brothers and sisters, especially in those who are the weakest.
Teach us to follow you in the ways of the Gospel.

Jesus, we entrust ourselves to Mary, your mother.
She was the first to welcome you.
Help us to welcome you into our hearts and in our communities.
Help us to be faithfully present with her, at the foot of the Cross, near the crucified of this world.
Help us to live as she did, your Resurrection.


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