Missionary Supplication

SSpS Sister and indigenous children, in Bilingual School, in Misiones Argentina
SSpS Sister and indigenous children, in Bilingual School, in Misiones Argentina

Lord Jesus, Good Shepherd and our brother, you have come
to dwell among us, to be the way of life and hope for all.

All: Renew our hope.

Awaken in all Christians the desire to always
know you more and follow you with generosity.

All: Renew our zeal for the Kingdom of God!

Give us your wisdom to meet you in the
different cultures and welcome you in the poor and excluded

All: Renew our hope.

Pour out on us and on all you have called the gifts of your Spirit,
awakening many missionary vocations.

All: Renew our zeal for the Kingdom of God!

Bless all peoples. Arouse in our communities many disciples
to collaborate in the building of your Kingdom. This we ask through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen!


Original in Portuguese in the book “Orações Vocacionais e Missionárias”
Missionárias Servas do Espírito Santo – Brasil


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