Prayer: Season of Advent

Advent service for children in Holy Family Parish, Linda, Zambia

Wait time.
God who is coming,
God who is coming.
Hope of the people, the new life.
The Kingdom is born, gift and task.

We sing to you, Good Father, of Hope.
With Mary, help us Lord,
to live generously in surrender,
to offer our life like her,
to listen to your Word at all times,
to relentlessly practice the Gospel,
help us to live in solidarity with those who suffer,
with those who today, as yesterday in Bethlehem, have no place.

We sing to you Good Father of Hope.
With the shepherds of Bethlehem, help us Lord
to live the Vigil of your Kingdom,
to run hurriedly to meet you,
to discover your Face in the middle of the town,
not to fall “asleep” in the construction of the new world.

We sing to you Good Father of Hope.
With the angels of Bethlehem, help us Lord,
to sing to the whole world your Presence,
God is with us!
Let us build peace among men,
Let’s build Justice among the peoples.

We sing to you Good Father of Hope.
With Jesus the child-God, help us Lord,
to cherish the hope that is born in each Advent,
to listen to the cries of your people,
to water with our lives the seed of your Kingdom,
to be Messengers of your Love,
to build communities of service and prayer.

Christmas, Human´s party.
Christmas, feast of God.
We want to be your Witnesses, give us strength Lord. Amen.


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