Lord, You Walk with Us

Jesus, let us find you, live with your hope,
enjoy your presence and feel your joy.
You are close, although it is difficult for us to see you,
because we are distracted.

Life with You strengthens our creativity,
energizes our contemplative capacity
and impels our hearts to Love.

With you we come out of the universal chaos
and you lead us as a shepherd,
to the green prairies of the encounter;
you make us people capable of offering fruits of fraternity.

You are knocking at the door,
although many do not recognize you when you open,
You come out to meet us to bring us life in abundance.

Our fears sometimes prevent us from hearing you,
but our assurances dissipate with your presence.
You want to get us out of mediocrity and dispel our fears.

With you there are no more fears, with you there is only Life.
With you hope surrounds us, with you it is possible to build another world,
where all human beings join hands and promote a new story.


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