Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood, Consecrated Life and Laity
Guide: Jesus, we are here before you. Moved by your immense love, you are present among us hidden under the species of the eucharistic bread. We want to put in your hands all that we are and have. In union with your Mother, we come here to accompany you and find you as the Friend and Light of our lives.
After each prayer we answer: Lord, send workers into your harvest!
We come to ask you, in a spirit of deep supplication, for the world, for all vocations: for your priests, for men and women of consecrated life, for missionaries and laity. In a very special way, we implore you that you, oh Lord and owner of the harvest, send workers to reap what you yourself have sown in people’s hearts. R /. Lord, send workers into your harvest!
Guide: We need men and women who lend their lips to tell us about You, their feet to travel the world preaching your Gospel, their hands to bless us, their eyes to see your gaze as a loving Father reflected in them. We need you, Lord. The world and the Church need you. For this reason, we ask you to send us consecrated persons, full of your saving power; send us missionaries, men and women who are light and salt of the world. R /. Lord, send workers into your harvest!
Priesthood, Confession
Guide: Consecrated men and women leave everything to follow you, living the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience, thus being a testimony of your healing and liberating presence in the midst of the world. That is why we ask you to continue raising up these vocations within your church. R /. Lord, send workers into your harvest!
Guide: Missionaries, in the most remote places on earth, sometimes in the midst of persecution and at the risk of their lives, preach your Gospel to those who have not yet heard of You. Strengthen them in their mission, support them in difficulties so that they continue to be joyful witnesses to your Resurrection in every corner of the earth where they are sent. R /. Lord, send workers into your harvest!
Guide: Inspire and help, Lord, the priests, men and women religious and laity who work in the seminaries and houses of formation to collaborate in the formation of the new priests, consecrated men and women that the church needs, so that the Good News will be announced with new missionary fervor d in a permanent mission as the document of Aparecida invites us. R /. Lord, send workers into your harvest!
Guide: We ask you, Lord, for all those who consecrate their lives to the pastoral care of vocations so that in the name of Christ they continue to launch the networks that are necessary to give the Church the vocations that she needs to fulfill her mission. AMEN.
The General Chapter seeks to discern God’s will for the Congregation and to recognize what fidelity to the gospel and to our charism requires of us in today’s world. It gives new impulse to help sisters live their religious missionary vocation in the joy of the Holy Spirit...
First Missionary Mystery
"The Incarnation" Biblical Text: Jn. 1,1-5,14
Missionary Reflection: The mystery of the incarnation is the foundation of missionary life. We remember the mystery of the incarnation when we pray the Angelus. God is the Mission and He is the missionary. The central message of this mission is that God himself became one with us in our humanity and so shares our joys, struggles, sufferings and hopes. Because God so loved the world that he sent his only Son to us not to condemn the world but so that the world might be saved for him. For this reason, it is not only important that as missionaries we identify ourselves with the recipients of the Word, the Mission, but also with Jesus-the Incarnate Word, the missionary of the Father...
These nine days on the way to Christmas, we want to do it in the spirit of gratitude contemplating the 'Emmanuel: God-with-us' and, adoring his faithful presence throughout our history...
God of Love and Creator of the universe, there are homes in our world where people live in fear of violence. For these families, home is not a safe place, but a place of danger and pain...
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