Lord, Change My Heart

Help us Lord, to change
our selfish, little compromised, fearful and comfortable look.

Help us Lord, to change,
to look at things, the world, life, with your gaze and from your eyes.

Take away the blinders that we build over the years, which isolate us from the pain and suffering of those who walk next door.

Shake our hearts so we learn to see
with eyes full of the Gospel and Hope of the Kingdom.

Pull the blindfold off our eyes
so that, seeing, we can be moved by others
and move from the depths of each one to come to lend a hand
to those who are fallen by the side of the road,
who this blind society has thrown aside
because they do not count or are not of interest to the laws of the market.

Help us Lord, to see and to see you and to choose.
to use those wonderful glasses that you left us
to look at the world, reality, life: the gaze of the Gospel;
to see with your eyes of God and practice your Justice.

Give us, Lord compassionate look
to be able to say to the despondent a word of encouragement.
Give us a sensitive heart to fight for justice and peace.
May we not forget that whatever we do with our brothers, we do it with you.


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