Triduum in Preparation for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2021 – 2nd day

Triduum in Preparation for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2021 Second day: God-Son, Communicator In the human experience of him, Jesus establishes the bridge of approach to God and reveals that God is the Father of love, kindness and compassion. His passion for the Father makes him the brother of all people, especially […]

Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra - 22 de abril

International Mother Earth Day – 22 April “The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change.” Papa Francis, Laudato Si’, 13 Taking care of the Earth is taking care of our life, […]

Solemnity of the Anunciation

Solemnity of the Annunciation The Solemnity of the Annunciation celebrates one of the most striking aspects of Arnoldus spirituality, which is the Incarnation of the Word of God, who became human in Mary’s womb. The passage from the Gospel that tells the dialogue of the angel Gabriel with the young Mary is beautiful!  Her “YES” […]

World Water Day 2021 – Valuing Water

O Creator God, we thank you for the water, your creation and partner in the life-generating force. From the water the first organisms were formed, multiplied, transformed and went out to procreate  the earth … From the welcoming water of the mother’s womb we have come to light! Blessed water flowing in rivers and streams […]

Año de San José (2021)

Year of St. Joseph (2021) A journey with Jesus and Mary accompanied by St. Joseph March 19 is the feast of St. Joseph, one of the patrons of our Arnoldus family. Fortunately, on December 8, 2020, with the Apostolic Letter “Patris corde” (with a father’s heart), Pope Francis has invited the Church to dedícate the […]

“Con todas las fuerzas mientras haya tiempo…”

Saint Joseph Freinademetz “With all my strength while there is time …” The month of January offers us the possibility of celebrating the two saints so dear to our missionary families, Arnold Janssen and Joseph Freinademetz. They are models of a spirituality incarnated in the Light of the Word and anchored in the power of […]

Joseph Freinademetz Novena day 4

Novena in Honor of St. Joseph Freinademetz Day 4. The Father’s Revelation to the Little and Simple Ones: Poverty of the Missions Shortly after arriving at the Chinese mission Joseph Freinademetz wrote: “My dwelling place at present is a hut belonging to a Christian from the locality. It is made out of wood and clay, […]

Not me, but the Lord …

“Not me, but the Lord …” We celebrate the 112 years of the return of our Father and Founder, Saint Arnold Janssen to the Father’s house. Thus ended the journey of a lifetime devoted to a great missionary dream. After leaving, he gave us three missionary families as a legacy. Today, a large number of […]

The Epiphany 2021

The Epiphany is the Feast of Catholicity The Epiphany is the feast of Catholicity, the manifestation of God to all peoples through the visit of the three magi to Jesus. The declaration of the Second Vatican Council that “we are a people of priests, prophets and kings” is visible in the offerings of gold, frankincense […]


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