Lord, Prune My Heart

Lord, prune my heart,
cut the crooked stems of my bad thoughts,
so, I may stand firm when the winds of persecution come,
so that my life germinates with your same feelings.

Lord, prune my heart,
remove the yellowed leaves of selfishness and indifference,
so that generosity and commitment can flourish, and I can give myself, lovingly,
to my brothers and sisters.

Lord, prune my heart,
cut down the dry branches of lack of love and of disbelief,
so that new shoots of trust and fraternity are born,
to love my friends and, of course, also my enemies,

Lord, prune my heart,
eliminate the weeds produced by resentment and anger,
so that peace and joy can sprout within me,
so that in “my branches” the little ones and the poor can perch.

Lord, prune my heart,
uproot the rotten roots of pride and arrogance,
to apply the fertilizer of humility and tolerance
so that it fertilizes and can reach your kingdom.

Lord, prune my heart,
reap its fruits a hundredfold multiply it by a hundred,
by a thousand, by a hundred thousand…
so, it may be shared and spent among your children, my brothers and sisters.


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