Prayer from Internationality

Dear Generous and Compassionate God.
Thank you for calling us from many places
to live and proclaim
The coming of your Reign announced by Christ.
Thank you for all your blessings
In our vocation as religious missionaries
From different races and cultures
To live and work together as sisters and brothers
As sign of the universal love of Christ.

You love all your children equally, Without distinction.
Give us your Spirit to welcome each other With gratitude
For the personal and cultural gifts
Each one of us brings for the mission ad Gentes.
May we be a sign
For your unconditional love for all your children.
Strengthen our unity and communion
In your Son Jesus Christ Beyond all differences.
Help us with your Spirit
To live this unity in diversity
To share in one and the same vocation and mission.
Let us ask Mary,
Whose Heart was so open to receive, and to share Christ
To pray for us. Amen


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