Biblical Text: Jn. 1,1-5,14 Missionary Reflection:
The mystery of the incarnation is the foundation of missionary life. We remember the mystery of the incarnation when we pray the Angelus. God is the Mission and He is the missionary. The central message of this mission is that God himself became one with us in our humanity and so shares our joys, struggles, sufferings and hopes. Because God so loved the world that he sent his only Son to us not to condemn the world but so that the world might be saved for him.
For this reason, it is not only important that as missionaries we identify ourselves with the recipients of the Word, the Mission, but also with Jesus-the Incarnate Word, the missionary of the Father.
Second Missionary Mystery “The Epiphany”
Biblical Text: Mt. 2, 1-2, 9-11 Missionary Reflection
God reveals the mystery of mission to those whom He has chosen for it. But the true recipients of God’s mission are those with simple hearts like Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men. All of them were humble of heart and capable of bowing down and bending their knees before greatness clothed with human smallness.
The missionary is one who bows down before the new and strange which he is struggling to make his/her own. Despite the difficulties, she/he acknowledges, in a humble attitude, guided by the Spirit and full of joy and a grateful heart, that her/his missionary approach is the correct one.
As the wise men of the East faced difficulties and challenges and uncertainties amid intense darkness, a missionary is someone who must go through struggles and difficulties but never loses sight of the light – his/her accompanying star.
God’s gift and mission statement is for everyone. The wise men of the East represent all people of good will, all migrants of all races, colours, cultures, etc. – for mission has many faces.
Missionary Rosary
Third Missionary Mystery “The election of the Twelve”
Biblical text: Mk. 3, 13- 14 Missionary Reflection:
Before calling the twelve, and before any significant actions, Jesus dedicated time – long moments – to prayer. Similarly, a missionary must be a person of prayer seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every situation and decision she/he must make. Jesus calls us by name, (personal vocation), to be with Him (discipleship in community), and to be sent (mission).
The missionary activity of Jesus – reaching out to everyone – can be seen in his encounter with the Samaritan Woman. For this reason, every missionary is called to come out of himself/herself, and to be open in compassion, and respectful dialogue, with people of other nations, cultures, and religious beliefs. We are called to participate in the fullness of God’s love in the life and mission of Jesus.
Fourth Missionary Mystery “The washing of the feet”
Biblical text: Jn. 13, 2- 7, 12- 15 Missionary Reflection:
The missionary is someone who teaches by example and the testimony of his/her own life. She/he is someone who closely follows their teacher, who did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for a multitude.
The washing of the feet does not mean only the attitude of leadership with service, of humility and sacrifice; but also the unconditional love of God who washes and removes everything that prevents us from being missionaries who authentically transmit to others the good news of the Kingdom.
Fifth Missionary Mystery “The missionary sending of the disciples to the whole world”
Biblical text: Mt. 28, 16-20 Missionary Reflection:
When I receive a big surprise, I have a natural tendency to tell others about it.
The same thing happened to the disciples in the above Scripture passage.
They were transformed by telling others the good news that they themselves had received. Something similar should happen to me. The Trinity is a Communion of Love. How do I experience the Presence of the Trinity in my life? As a community of love? Pope Francis tells us that “The Christian community, even with its human limitations, can become a reflection of the communion of the Trinity, of its goodness, of its beauty.”
We start our prayer blessing ourselves with the Trinitarian ritual: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Introduction: On the first day of our Triduum we are invited to reflect and pray on the Mystery of the Trinity as a Community, as Friendship and as a Dance...
Lord, God, Lord of time and eternity,
yours is today and tomorrow, the past and the future.
At the end of this year I want to thank you
for all that I have received from You...
Lord, prune my heart,
cut the crooked stems of my bad thoughts,
so, I may stand firm when the winds of persecution come,
so that my life germinates with your same feelings...
Mary, Our Lady of Advent,
Lady of the Empty Arms,
Lady of visible and exhausting pregnancy,
How much we want you to walk with us.
How much we need from you, woman of the people,
as you travel hastily and joyfully to serve Elizabeth...
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