Prayer Service for Justice and Peace

SSpS Steyl, 2015
SSpS Steyl, 2015


God of justice, we pray for the workers in the fields, in the factories, in the hospitals, hotels, and office buildings. May their work be safe from danger and fear. May their labors sustain them and their families with equity and dignity.

God of forgiveness, we repent of our ignorance, our apathy, and the greed that makes us blind to the plight of so many of our brothers and sisters. Make us aware of the struggles of workers who labor in unsafe conditions, for too little money, for too many hours.

Eternal God, give us the strength and passion to create a work environment in which there is no exploitation. Free us so that we might dedicate our hearts and lives to a vision of life with security, dignity, and sustainability for all people. Amen.

Scripture Reading: 2 Cor. 4:6-7

“For it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”  We have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. We ask God to hear all of our prayers and grant each of them according to His will:


  • For all those trapped in poverty, bring them your freedom and fullness of life.
  • For all those with insufficient income, bring employment and create new ways of earning a living.
  • For developing nations weighed down by various issues, bring release and an end to crippling burdens
  • For countries and communities desperate for help, bring aid and donations with no hidden strings attached.
  • For the 36 million people unable to live up to their God-given potential because they are enslaved, bring a change of heart to their captors so that they may be free
  • And for all of us here, so aware of the problems, bring a hunger for change that fuels us to champion your solutions.

GOD OF COMPASSION, we pray that you lead us in your way of great power. Let us remember that you laid down your riches, and put aside your majesty, for the sake of the poor, the lost, and the broken. And you modeled a new way of leading, kneeling down before dirty feet to wash and bless them. Let us be like you. We ask that you hear our prayers, grant them in light and in love. Amen.


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