June Devotion to the Sacred Heart – According to St. Arnold Janssen

Jesus, Sacred hearth, Good Sheperd
Jesus, Sacred hearth, Good Sheperd

Divine Heart of Jesus, destroy in us all pride and give us true humility. Take from us all lack of charity and give us true love for each other. Pluck out of our hearts all wrath and anger and give us true meekness. Crush in us all spiritual laziness and give us prudent zeal. Stifle in us all avarice and give us generous hearts. Preserve us from losing control of our desires and give us a love of temperance. Remove from us all that is evil and give us a life united with You. Amen.

Saint Arnold Janssen’s June Devotion

All: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of all believers and set them on fire with your love. Though they spoke many different languages, You united the nations in professing the same faith.

Leader: Loving Jesus, send us from the Father the Holy Spirit with His seven gifts. May the burning love of Your Sacred Heart remove from our hearts everything that would obstruct the effectiveness of these gifts and our reception of them.

A: Jesus, meek and humble of heart, destroy the pride in our hearts and make us humble.

L: Heal our selfishness and pride,
A: And give us true Christian love for our neighbor.

L: Drive out of our hearts all anger and impatience.
A: And give us Your own meekness.

L: Preserve us from apathy in our strivings,
A: And give us prudent zeal.

L: Free us from our selfishness,
A: And give us self–sacrificing hearts.

L: Help us to combat our unruly inclinations,
A: And give us self–control.

L: Protect us from what can endanger chastity,
A: And keep our lives pure.

Leader: Holy Spirit, Love in Person, You formed that Heart of Jesus and filled it with your seven gifts. Let Your gifts flow from His heart into our hearts, that we many honor, love and praise the Father in this life and attain our eternal inheritance thereafter.

All: Holy Spirit, we thank You for filling the Heart of Jesus with love for us. Kindle our hearts with the fire which He came to cast on the earth and with which He desires the world to be inflamed. Help us to love Him in return, who has loved us so much.

L: Holy Spirit, grant us the grace to live, work, and die, rooted and grounded in the love of the Sacred Heart.
A: Then we will love and praise You for all eternity as the bond of love and holiness.
Leader: Heavenly Father, You sent and continue to send Your Holy Spirit upon the Church through Your Son Jesus Christ to produce fruits of grace in the faithful. Enlighten and strengthen our Holy Father and all bishops and priests.

All: Grant that Your people may preserve and perfect in their lives the holiness they have received, so that the day may come when the Church may see everything subject to Christ who, with You and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns forever. Amen.

Our Family’s Commitment to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Parents and Children:

Lord Jesus, today we hear your invitation:
“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest. For the yoke I will give you, is easy, and the load I will put on you is light.”

In answer to your invitation, we turn to you with childlike trust, certain that in Your compassionate Heart we will find that unity, that peace, and that salvation we all so earnestly seek and desire for our family.

To Your loving Person, to Your all-powerful Heart, we consecrate and commit our hearts, with all their hopes and fears, with all their longings and frustrations, with all their joys and sorrows.

Be to our family and to all families an intimate Friend, a well-beloved Brother, a merciful Saviour. And we ourselves promise to be Your loving brothers and sisters, your loyal servants, and Your dedicated apostles.

Lord, save us, lest we perish! Save us from apathy in Your service. Save us from unconcern about the needs of the poor, of the oppressed, of the underprivileged. Save us from our own cowardice when our faith is challenged. Grant us the courage to reject all that might separate us and our family from you, and give us the Spirit of fortitude to stand up and fight for your interests.

Parents alone:
Lord Jesus, you had loving parents who cared for you, who worried about you, and who sometimes suffered because they did not understand you. Help us parents to love our children always, even if we don’t understand them. May our love never be like a chain which chains them to us, but may our hearts be as big as yours, and may our love for our children give us also the strength to let everyday be a little looser and finally let them go the way our heavenly Father wants them to go.

Children alone:
Lord Jesus, you grew up in a family, you were a young boy, a teenager and finally, you became an adult man. You know from your own experience the problems young people have to face on their way to becoming adults. Fill us with love for our parents; let us always appreciate their love for us even if we don’t understand them. May the discussions, disagreements and the common joyful experiences in our family help us grow into persons like you: with a heart full of love for God our Father, and with a heart full of loving concern for every other human being and for the whole of creation.

Parents and children:
Lord Jesus, may You be praised, adored, and loved, with grateful affection, in our family and in all the families of the world, even to the end of time. Amen.


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