Prayer for Mother Earth

Angola, View of Lubango Town
Angola, View of Lubango Town

Almighty, Creator God, we thank and exalt You for the magnificent expression of Your great glory and incomprehensible power in creating our Mother Earth. You bless us with a glimpse of Your life, majesty, beauty, and love as we contemplate on the web of energies of all the resources and varieties of life on the Earth. Our gratitude and praise are insufficient for creating and placing us in this amazingly beautiful and lively Home that protects and sustains us.

We realize that You have a divine purpose in creating the diversity of forms of life and putting them together.  We acknowledge that in our unlimited search for things to meet our insatiable needs, we have not been kind to Mother Earth. In the name of our ‘right for comforts of life’, we have been selfish in abusing the resources of our common Home indiscriminately and disturbing its poise and network of life. We now ask pardon for our greed and insensitivity. With a contrite heart, we promise to change our attitudes and actions that are destructive.

Creator Spirit, grant us the wisdom to understand that the earth does not belong to us but we belong to the earth; that it is our duty to contribute positively in keeping our  Common Home healthy and whole for everyone and everything that depends on it for survival. Let not our thoughts or actions exploit or pollute it any further and thus prevent the danger of collapse of the eco-system.  Grant us O Lord, the will to work together, as members of the same Home, to rejuvenate and regain its lost balance and glory. May the sparkling smile of every form of life, every drop of water, every grain of sand, and every ray of light replenish the earth and bring joy to all. Amen.


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