Easter Prayer

Argentina, Parana River
Argentina, Parana River

At dawn, when the light is made to announce the new day,
Blessed are you creator God, who makes life germinate in darkness!

In the spring, when the sun sings for our land to flourish,
Blessed are you, Father of Jesus Christ, who breaks the tombstone!

And when the evening falls on the infinity of our paths,
Blessed are you, Hidden God, through Jesus, your son, who left with you!

As the grain of wheat remains hidden in the earth until spring comes, so is our life hidden in Christ waiting for his return.

And like the bread that is shared at night, at the end of a journey that will resume in the morning, our faith recognizes that he who gives us his own body has risen.

Why mourn his death if he goes before us if the day is going to be born to shout hope and our land is going to bear its fruit without delay?

Father of Jesus Christ,
with all those who believe without having seen,
with all those who seek without fainting,
with all the small and humble of heart,
We believe that Jesus lives and is the source of life, that his body is the bread that gathers us in you, that his blood is the wine of a secret feast.

By the Spirit of your Son, we beseech you:
May you keep your children faithful in the faith.
May we witness the hidden mystery that you revealed one day in the silence of the morning when you took your firstborn by the hand to be the hope of men and women who die and are reborn in him.

He was dead and lives forever. Alleluia.
He has risen gloriously from the Alleluia grave.
He gives us peace in the Holy Spirit and sends us to proclaim the Alleluia hope.
Blessed are those who believe without having seen, Alleluia.

Death has been conquered by life.
Our hidden life in Christ lifts your heart to the top.
Let those who are afraid say that He precedes you on the way and prepares a table for you. Alleluia

Bless God sharing the bread, give thanks by lifting the cup from him. Alleluia
Blessed are you Lord and our God that heaven and earth sing Hosanna to you. Alleluia.
In your child life manifests itself and the hope of infinite peace is reborn for all.
In communion with heaven and earth, we bless you Living God! Alleluia


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