Blessed by God, Hendrina Stenmanns 1852-1903, Co-Foundress of the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit

Author: Sr. Gabriele Holzer, SSpS
Subject: Mother Josepha, Hendrina Stenmans, Founding Generation, SSpS
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Moss, Germany
, 2007
Disponible en .pdf

Among the Words of the Sacred Scriptures that very well express everything that has been essential in the life of Hendrina Stenmanns, the following quotes stand out: “Those who love wisdom, love life, all who seek it win their favors. All who possess it to inherit the glory; wherever she dwells, the Lord pours out her blessings “(Eccl. 4: 12-13), because” God has blessed us with all kinds of spiritual goods “(Eph. 1,3).

Hendrina Stenmanns was a woman who has not done great things, she has not produced great literature either. Rather, her writings consist of personal letters to the Sisters overseas, recommendations to the sisters, and notes taken from books.

This biographical present wants to show how a woman of small stature became a great person; and above all to highlight how she, overcoming obstacles, managed to achieve great things.

Hendrina was a mystic, a woman who lived from her experiences of God. For her God was like a real friend; he was the great love of her life. The passion of that love could be perceived in the energy and sincerity that she radiated. When we look closely at her life, we marvel at the way God draws near to us humble people, how He leans down to us in Jesus Christ, and how his Holy Spirit can become the breath of our lives.

This brief biography offers us the opportunity to know, from the testimonies of those who lived with her, the first sisters, guests, and people of her town, something of what deeply encouraged and motivated the life of this great woman. Hendrina’s example can inspire us to discover our personal response to God’s invitation.

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